Get Started with CSCA
CSCA Signup Information and Instructions
It's very easy to get started using the CSCA system. The following steps contain the information you need to know:
- Become familiar with CSCA – You can try the tablet app for free with no obligation. If you are using Apple iPads,
log onto the App Store from your iPad and search for "CSCA". The app is a free download.
When you first open the app, you can start in Demo mode. While some features are disabled, you can view most of the
forms that are available. Additional forms are available on request.
- CSCA is provided by subscription, with a six month minimum duration. Payments are accepted only by credit card,
which will be billed monthly to your account.
- To sign up for CSCA, download and fill out our New Client Form.
Where it asks for website user names and passwords,
enter a first name or nickname for each person that will be accessing our website from your office, along with a password.
Note that this does not include your tablet users at job sites. We will provide an activation code for each tablet.
At the end of the New Client Form, there is a space to sign, indicating that you have read and agree to the terms
of the End User License Agreement.
- Send us the New Client Form.
Fax: 734-428-1689
Email: info@safetyfirstdata.com
Postal: Safety First Data Systems LLC, P.O. Box 724, Manchester MI 48158
- We will email you full instructions on accessing our user web site, activating your tablets, and using CSCA,
including links to training videos.
Contact us for a demo
Email: info@safetyfirstdata.com
Phone: 734-396-9129